
Pilots provide opportunities for companies to test application of the Guidance at an intervention-level. Their objective is to deliver verified/certified GHG reductions and removals from interventions (against Guidance and/or Gold Standard for the Global Goals), test how impacts can be allocated toward performance targets (SBTs) or narrative claims (Net-Zero) and provide best-practice case studies


Deliver credible, verified/certified GHG reductions and removals from interventions against the Value Chain Intervention Guidance (and Gold Standard for the Global Goals)

Test how impacts can be allocated toward emissions factors used in GHG-Protocol (toward SBTs) or Narrative claims (towards Net Zero targets) or towards Carbon Neutral and Climate positive Claims

Key value-adds

  • A leading role in corporate climate action and participation in a game-changing MRV Programme.
  • Assurance Scope 3 accounting approach aligns with GHG-Protocol and SBTi
  • Ability to apply interventions’ environmental benefits to a wider range of purchased goods and services using supply-shed approach, or inform future developments to claim benefits under other scope 3 categories
  • Trusted GHG data to share among partners in a Programme and/or through the value chain
  • Opportunity to test and co-design system to track, allocate and transfer impact units

Approach & timeline

Pilots are standalone trajectories for companies that want to test verification/certification pathways against the Value Change Guidance and are carried out by SustainCERT.

Pilots are developed in different phases over a 6 to 9 months period. Alignment on objectives, desired outcomes, general intervention approach, key rules, requirements and documentation as well as process and timelines is made on a case-by-case basis during phase 1.

Click on participate to express you interest, we will get back to you to arrange a call where we can discuss your plans in greater details.